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How to get rid of Dandruff in one day

Dandruff in hair is a common problem, It can be caused by the dead skin of the head. Dandruff not only looks bad but also damages the hair roots. I will define you  how to deal with dandruff, there are some home made dandruff remedy and through these remedies you will get rid of dandruff problem in one day.

Use Mustard Oil:

  • Mustard oil - 1/4 cup
  • Yolk of Egg - 1

Add egg into mustard oil and mix it, then apply this before sleep on your hair from root to tip and the next morning wash you hair with shampoo and see the results, you will get good results through this dandruff remedy and must apply this remedy 1 time in every week.

Use Yogurt:

  •  Yogurt - 4 tablespoon
  •   Mustard oil - 2 tablespoon
  •   Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

Add yogurt and olive oil into the mustard oil and mix it, then apply it before sleep on the roots of your hair and the next day wash your hair with shampoo after this dandruff remedy you will get rid of dandruff completely and must apply this dandruff remedy once in a week.

Use Coconut oil:

  • Coconut oil - 1/4 cup

Take 1/4 cup of Coconut oil and boil it after boiling apply it before sleep on your roots of hair and next day wash your hair with shampoo, this is the best dandruff remedy and apply this remedy once in a week.

Use Gooseberry Oil:

  • Gooseberry oil - 4 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - 4 tablespoon

Add Gooseberry oil in Lemon juice and put it on your roots of hair and then sleep, next morning wash your hair and you will find good results, you will find amazing results through this dandruff remedy and try this remedy must once in a week.

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