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Easy Ways to Lose Weight Extremely Fast

Now a days most of the people are facing weight problem, and for this purpose they hit the gym, apply different kind of diet plans, go for exercises and join weight lose program. But after all these things they can't lose weight or if they lose little bit weight after this much effort then we can't get any benefit through this kind of weight lose program or exercises and you can not lose weight extremely fast.
We all know about too many diet plans, exercises etc but they are not providing good results so, there are some simple ways to lose weight very fast.

First Tip:

  • Take one glass water.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Lemon juice - one teaspoon

Add honey and lemon juice in one glass of water, mix it and then drink it. Every Morning before breakfast must drink this and after a week you will feel that you are losing weight. After this tip you don't need to any weight lose program.

Second Tip:

  • Grated Ginger - half teaspoon.
  • Honey - half teaspoon.
  • Black pepper powder - 1/4 teaspoon.

Now take a bowl and put all them into this bowl and mix it after mixing eat this before breakfast, and everyday use this tip before breakfast. You will lose weight extremely fast due to this tip and after this you will accept this is a best way.

Third Tip:

  • Banana - 1
  • Apple - 1
  • Strawberry - 3
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoon.
  • Black pepper - half teaspoon.
  • Honey - table spoon.

Now cut these fruits, after cutting take a fry pan and put half cup of water into this fry pan , then add fruits into the fry pan. Open the stove and put this fry Pan on the stove and cooked it for 5 minutes then  grind the fruit into the grinder. After grinding add Lemon juice, black pepper and honey then mix it and eat this as a breakfast, this is very best and healthy way to lose weight. You will lose weight extremely fast through this way.

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