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Best Home Remedies for oily skin

Face is most important part of our body and everyone wants a beautiful face but oily skin is a big problem and mostly people don't know how to treat oily skin and they use different wrong kind of skin products. There are some easy home made remedies for oily skin and you will get amazing results after using these remedies.

Use Cucumber:

  • Milk powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Cucumber - 1 slice
  • Yogurt  - 1 teaspoon

Add milk powder and cucumber in yogurt and blend them into blender, after blending put this paste on your face and leave it for 15 minutes and after 15 minutes wash your face with water. Try this remedy twice in a week.

Use Almond:

  • Grated Almond - 3
  • Honey - half tablespoon

Add Grated almonds into honey and mix them, after mixing put this paste on your face and massage your face for 15 minutes after 15 minutes wash your face with hot water. You will get amazing results after using this remedy and due to this remedy you don't need to use any skin products.

Use Maize Flour:

  • Hot water - 1 cup
  • Maize flour - 2 tablespoon

Add maize flour into hot water and put this paste on your face, Massage your face for 15 minutes and after 15 minutes wash your face with hot water. Try this remedy everyday before sleep.

Use Egg:

  • Egg - 1
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - half teaspoon

Add honey and lemon juice into egg and put this paste on your face for 15-20 minutes then wash your face with water and you will find best results after using this. Try this twice in a week.

These Remedies are best and after these remedies you don't need any kind of skin products because these remedies are better than skin products.

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